Thursday, September 22, 2011

BACK!!! After a well deserved hibernation! With instant sliming satisfaction!

Hey Fashionistas, I'm finally back after taking 4 months maternity leave, I'm ready to get back into the proverbial fashion saddle and get you the great deals you deserve. We all love pampering, looking fantastic and thin, that's right I said it THIN! (You all were thinking it LOL) I've found this fantastic new undergarment that smooths out any tell tale lumps and bumps you might have under that fab outfit you wanted to wear to the elusive night out, but changed your mind because looking at yourself reminds you of a freaking Muffin Top! Well, fear no more ladies, on I found the most fantastic product and I won it on auction for only R65, Postage was R38. Putting this thing on had some doing, but hey... suffer for beauty has always been a woman of substance's motto through the ages. Once on its like a second skin, it makes you feel like you own the world... ok maybe not the world but hey, go out there and conquer the night or day or afternoon... no matter what time of the day this Slim and Lift Supreme body shaper does the trick and even improves your posture while its holding in your bulges. Check out the pictures below and tell me this doesn't just wanna make you run out and buy it. Unfortunately ladies this undergarment is only available online on BOB, so click on this link
and bid away, this wonderful undergarment comes in sizes S to XXL be sure to ask for a size larger than what you actually are as its a snug fitting bugger. Its the best money I've spent to get an instant result.

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